Sunday, April 01, 2007

Obligation Of The Khilafah







The Prophet said, "The Israelis used to be ruled and guided by prophets: Whenever a prophet died, another would take over his place. There will be no prophet after me, but there will be Caliphs who will increase in number." The people asked, "O Allah's Apostle! What do you order us (to do)?" He said, "Obey the one who will be given the pledge of allegiance first (i.e. every time a Caliph is selected). Fulfil their (i.e. the Caliphs) rights, for Allah will ask them about (any shortcoming) in ruling those Allah has put under their guardianship."

Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith 4.661 Narrated byAbu Huraira

Abdullah ibn Umar: I have come to you to tell you a tradition I heard from the Messenger of Allah (saw). I heard him say: “One who withdraws his hand from obedience (to the Khalifah) will find no argument (in his defence) when he stands before Allah on the Day of Judgment, and one who dies without having bound himself by an oath of allegiance (Bayah to a Khalifah) will die the death of one belonging to the days of Jahiliyyah (i.e. grave sin).” (Refer to Tafsir explanation on page 5 middle)

Sahih Muslim-Hadith 4562 Narrated by Abdullah ibn Umar

The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: In the near future there will be Amirs and you will like their good deeds and dislike their bad deeds. One who sees through their bad deeds (and tries to prevent their repetition by his hand or through his speech), is absolved from blame, but one who hates their bad deeds (in the heart of his heart, being unable to prevent their recurrence by his hand or his tongue), is (also) safe (so far as God’s wrath is concerned). But one who approves of their bad deeds and imitates them is spiritually ruined. People asked (the Prophet): Shouldn't we fight against them? He replied: No, as long as they say their prayers. (Refer to Tafsir explanation on page 7 bottom).

Sahih Muslim Hadith 4569 Narrated byUmm Salamah

The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: The best of your rulers are those whom you love and who love you, who invoke God's blessings upon you and you invoke His blessings upon them. And the worst of your rulers are those whom you hate and who hate you and whom you curse and who curse you. It was asked (by those present): Shouldn't we overthrow them with the help of the sword? He said: No, as long as they establish prayer among you. If you then find anything detestable in them, you should hate their administration, but do not withdraw yourselves from their obedience.

Sahih Muslim Hadith 4573 Narrated byAwf ibn Malik

“If a slave having some limb of his missing and having dark complexion is appointed to govern you according to the Book of Allah the Exalted, listen to him and obey him.”

Sahih Muslim Hadith 2977 Narrated byUmm al-Husayn

The Prophet (saw) said: "Religion is sincerity". We said: "To whom?" He said: "To Allah and His Book, and His messenger, and to the leaders of the Muslims and their common folk".

Sahih Muslim Hadith collection Narrated by Tamim Al-Dari

The Prophet (saw) said: “if the leaders do not govern by the book of Allah, you should realize that this has never happened without Allah making them (the People) into groups and making them fight each other.”

Ibn Majah hadith Narrated by Ibn Umar

The Messenger Muhammad (saw) said: "There will be Nabuwa with Rehma (Prophethood with Mercy). Then there will be Khilafah with Ba’yah(Pledge). Then Allah will change it when He wishes. Then there will be Mulkan ‘Adoodan (Rule by force). Then Allah will change it when He wishes. Then there will be Mulkan Jabriya (against people’s will). Then Allah will change it when He wishes. Then there will be Khilafah Rashidah Minhaj An Nabuwa (Khilafah on the method of Prophethood). The earth and the sky will bestow their treasures."

Musnad (Hadith collection ) of Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal

The Prophet (saw) said,

“The knots of Islam will be untied one by one until everyone of them is undone, the first to be undone will be the knot of ruling and the last will be the knot of Salah”

Musnad (Hadith collection ) of Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal

The Prophet (SAW) said, “By Allah you have to enjoin good (Maroof) and forbid evil (Munkar), and hold against the hand of the unjust ruler (Dhalim), and force him on the truth strongly, or you have to limit him to the truth.”

Musnad (Hadith collection ) of Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal

The Prophet Muhammad (saw) said:

"Allah does not punish the individuals for the sins of the community until they see the evil spreading among themselves, and while they have the power to stop it, do not do so."

Musnad (Hadith collection ) of Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal

The Prophet (saw) said: “Whoever sees an Unjust ruler breaking the prohibition of Allah, breaking His covenant, disagreeing with the Sunnah of the Prophet, committing sins and creating animosity against the servants of Allah, and he does not say or do anything against it, then it is the right of Allah to let him enter with him (i.e. both the Individual and the Unjust ruler enter into hell).”

Reported in the Hadith collections of Tabba’i in At-Tarikh and Ibn Al-Atheer in AI-Kamel and others

The Messenger Muhammad (saw) said: "If anyone of you sees an aggressive oppressive ruler who makes the unlawful lawful, who dishonours Allah Rights, who governs over people not by what Allah (swt) has revealed without rising against him with a word or action, Allah (swt) will punish him with the oppressor (i.e. the ruled and the ruler together)".

It is narrated in the Hadith book of Ibn Hibbaan

The Messenger Muhammad (saw) said: "Allah will never forgive those who are not ruled over in accordance to what Allah has revealed and who do not ensure the rights of the weak (oppressed) which have been taken by the oppressors."

In the Hadith collection of Tabarani Narrated upon the authority of Ibn Abbas (ra)

"We were sitting outside the Prophet's house and He (saw) emerged and said: "Listen to me" and we said "We are listening" and He (saw) said "Listen to me" and we said "We are listening" and then He (saw) said, “There will be after me rulers, they will tell lies and they will oppress, do not believe their lies nor help them in their oppression. Whoever does so I am free of him and he will never come to my Hawodh (place) of intercession.”

Hadith collection of Ibn Hibbaan Narrated upon the authority of Abdullah bin Khabbab

The Prophet (saw) said: “There will be unjust rulers who cause hardship to their people. Whoever went along with their lies and helped them with their injustice, he is not from me nor am I from him, and he will not drink from Al-Hawd (the Pond)"

Reported in Hadith collections of Imam Ahmad, An-Nisa'ii, At-Tirmidhi and Al-Bazzar

Umar bin al khattab (ra) said: “The prophet (saw) said, “Listen and obey even a cut-nose Negro slave who governs you. If he inflicts you trouble, keep patience; if he asks you to do something, you carry it out; if he deprives you of the gifts ( and booties ), keep patience; but if he attempts to disrupt your deen, you tell him frankly, ‘ I shall shed my blood for my deen’ but never keep away from your jama’ah (people).”

Transmitted by Hadith collectors Ibn-Shaibah, Ibn-Jarir, Baihaqi, Naim and Humad (Al-Kanz al Ummal VOL III, pg, 167)


A man came to Ubayy ibn Kab and said: "Advise me," and he replied: "Take the Book of God as (your) leader (imam). Be satisfied with it as (your) judge and ruler. It is what the Prophet has bequeathed to you. (It is your) intercessor with God and should be obeyed..."

Ubayy ibn Kab

A Woman asked Abu Bakr: "How long shall we enjoy this good order (i.e. the deen of islam) which Allah has brought after the period of ignorance?" He (ra) replied, "You will enjoy it as long as your Imams keep on abiding by its rules and regulations."

Sahih al-Bukhari Hadith 5.175 Narrated by Qais bin Abi Hazim

When the prayer was over he (Umayr Ibn Sad) addressed them. He began by praising and giving thanks to God and sending peace and blessings on His Prophet Muhammad. Then he said: "O people! Islam is a mighty fortress and a sturdy gate. The fortress of Islam is justice and its gate is truth. If you destroy the fortress and demolish the gate you would undermine the defences of this religion; Islam will remain strong so long as the Sultan or central authority is strong. The strength of the Sultan neither comes from flogging with the whip, nor killing with the sword but from ruling with justice and holding fast to truth."

Umayr Ibn Sad Al-Ansari

Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (ra): said, "People must have an Amir, either just, or a tyrant, where the believer works under his Imara, (Islamic rule) and under which the unbeliever would also benefit, until his rule ended by the end of his life (ajal), the booty (fay’i) would be gathered, the enemy would be fought, the routes would be made safe, the strong one will return what he took from the weak till the tyrant would be contained, and would not bother anyone.”

In the book Nahjul-Balagha (part 1 page 91)

Ali Ibn Abi Talib (ra) said, “The people will not be straightened except by an Imam (Khalifah), whether he is good or bad”

Hadith collected by Bayhaqi, No, 14286, Kanz ul-ummal

Abdullah Ibn Umar (ra) said, “The people in the Ummah will not suffer even if they were oppressors and sinful and if the rulers were guided and guiding. But the people in the Ummah will suffer and perish even if they were guided and were guiding and if the rulers were oppressors and sinful”.

Abu Nu’aim narrated in Hulayat Awliyyah

Umar b. al-Khattab (ra) said: “There is no Islam without Jamaa’ah and there is not Jamaa’ah without Imaarah (Islamic leadership). And there is no Imaarah (Islamic leadership) without obedience.”

Reported by ad-Darimi in his Sunan (Hadith collection)

Umar Bin al-Khattab (ra) said, “There is no Islam without a community, and there is no community without a leadership, and there is no authority without hearing and obeying”.

Reported by Imam Askalani, in his ‘kitab al-Hisaba’

Ali ibn Abi Talib (ra) said, "With respect to their morals, people resemble their rulers more than they resemble their fathers”

al-Majlisi, Biharal-Anwar, Vol,17, p.129.

Ali Ibn Abi Talib (ra) said, concerning (choosing the Khalifah), “no one has the right to become Khalifah except the one you choose.”

Tarikh Al-Tabari, vol 6, p 3077.

Umar bin al-Khattab (ra) said: “By Allah, what Allah protects and prevents by the Imam (Islamic ruler) is greater than what he protects and prevents by the Quran”

Narrated by Imam Al-Khateeb, narration 14284, in hadith collection Kanz al ummal

Abu Bakr (ra), said, “The later part of this Ummah will not be revived or reformed except by

resorting to what molded its shape in the beginning.” Narrated by Imam Malik


AI-Imam AI-Joziri d 508AH AI fiqh alal Mathahib AI-Arba’a (the fiqh of the four schools of thought), (volume 5, page 416) says:

"The Imams (scholars of the four schools of thought) may Allah have mercy on them agree that the Imama is an obligation, and that the Muslims mUst appoint an Imam who would implement the deen’s rites, and give the oppressed justice against the oppressors. It is forbidden for Muslims to have two Imams in the world whether in agreement or in discord".

Imam Bakillani in his book Kitab al Tawheed said

“The knowledge of Imamat is obligatory on every individual, just like the knowledge for prayer, fasting and hajj”

Sharh al-Aqa`id al-Nasafiyah of al Imam al Taftazani(died 809AH) pg 142-143

“There is Ijma`(concensus) that appointing an Imam is wajib(obligatory). The difference of opinion is on whether the the appointment must be by Allah or by his servants, and whether this basis (for appointment) is textual evidence or rational proof.

The adoption is that it is obligatory upon the servants by textual evidence because of the saying of the messenger (saw): “Whoever dies not having known the Imam of his time (i.e. bound himself in Bayah), dies the death of Jahilliyah (ignorance).” Also, the ummah agreed that this was the most important duty following the death of the Messenger (saw), so important in fact that they considered it more important than the matter of his burial, and so also has it been after the death of each Imam. And they must appoint someone, for so many Shariah obligations depend on this duty, as he (i.e. al-Nasafi, who was a noted Hanafi scholar who died in 1142 CE) indicated by this statement:

“The muslims simply must have an Imam, who will execute the rules, establish the hudud (penal system), defend the frontiers, equip the armies, collect the zakah, punish those who rebel (against the state) and those who spy and highwaymen, establish the jum`ah and the two Eids, settle the disputes amongst the servants (of Allah), accept the testimony of witnesses in matters of legal rights, give in marriage the young and poor who have no family, and distribute the booty ‘ (Taftazani adds:) ‘ and similar matters which other individuals from the ummah are not allowed to be in charge of.”

Imam Nawawi in Sharh al Muslim (commenatry on Sahih Muslim) said in Volume 1 page 139:

“No scholar has ever said that Islam can be implemented gradually”

(Al-jami al-Ahkam al-Quran (Sura 6:190). Ahkam al-Quran by Al-Jasas (Sura 2:533)

Imam Al-Qurtubi said, that, Ibn Masud and Al Hasan said;

“ it is general for all who do not judge by what Allah has revealed, meaning believing in that and making it lawful to do so.”

Imam al-Tabari, a leading commentator and interpreter, said in his book Jami' al-Bayan, on the meaning of this verse,"Allah (swt) means by this:

"Let there rise from among you group(s) Calling to Islam, commanding what is right and forbidding what is wrong, and these are the ones who are successful." [TMQ 3:104].

“ There should be among you a jama'a (group) inviting people to Islam and its laws."

Imam Qurtabi states in his AL Ahkam al Quran, VOL IV, pg, 47.

“everyone is not capable to command the right and to forbid the wrong, it can be effectively performed by the ruler (khalifah), for he holds the authority to frame such laws that may be in accord with shariah. His is the final word in all matters of consequence such as the legislation of laws and treatment of prisoners. The head of state should entrust an honest, strict and righteous person the responsibility of enforcing the dictates of shariah in all matters. For Allah says, ‘If we establish them in the land, (they are those who) establish regular prayer.”

Imam Ibn Taymiah States in his book AL Hasba Fi Islam, pg, 57.

“commanding the right and forbidding the wrong, remains ineffective unless the law (shariah) is operative in a society. The state is the best agency to enforce the directive of the Quran. It is obligatory on the rulers to enforce the law (shariah) which would result in commanding the right and forbidding the wrong.”

Ibn Taymiah states in his book AL Hasba Fi AL Islam, pg, 37

“The purpose of an Islamic State is to command the right and to forbid the wrong.”

Sharhu Sahih Muslim VOL, 12, pg, 205, Imam an-Nawawi said,

“(The scholars) consented that it is an obligation upon the Muslims to

select a Khalifah”

(Siyasah Shariyah) chapter ‘the obligation of adherence to the leadership, Ibn Taymiyah said,

“ It is obligatory to know that the office in charge of commanding over the people (ie: the Khilafah post) is one of the greatest obligations of the deen. In fact , there is no establishment of the deen without it (ie: the Khilafah post) this is the opinion of the salaf, such as al-Fadl Ibn Iyaad,

Imam Ahmed Ibn Hanbal and others”

(al-haythami in Sawaa’iq ul-Haraqah:17.) Imam al-haythami d 807AH said,

“ It is known that the Sahabah (r.a.h) consented that selecting the Imaam after the end of the era of prophethood was an obligation (wajib). Indeed they made it (more) important than the (other) obligations whilst they were busy with it over the burial of the Prophet (saw)”.

(Kitab ul-Kafi) Imam Ahmed d 241AH, said,

“ The fitna ( mischief and tribulations) occurs when there is no Imam

established over the affairs of the people”.

Al-Juwaini (Imama Al-Haramn) in his book Ghayyath Al-Ummam,p 54 said
“There is a consensus among Muslims from all schools of thoughts that the Imama (Khilafah) is Fard”

Imam al Amidi- Shafi Mazhab, Fi Gayat-ul-muram, pg 364 Said

“The opinion of the people of huq, amongst the muslims say, that establishing the imamah and appointing the imam and obeying him is fard upon muslims”

Imam Ibnu-Hazm d 452AH, in Fasal Min-al-Nihal vol 4, pg 87 Said

“It is agreed upon all al alsunnah , that establishing the imamah is fard upon the muslims, and it is an obligation upon them to be under one imam to establish the ahkam of Allah and to lead them by the ahkam of shariah”

Imam al Nasafi, Fi Hashyat-Shar al-aqaid al nasafia pg 187 Said

“Appointing the imam is fard- an obligation upon all muslims”

Imam al Bagdadi, d 463AH, Fi Kitab al Farku-Bayn al Firk, pg 210 Said,

“The imamah is fard wajib upon the ummah in order to appoint the imam, to implement the shariah and obeying him”

Imam Ibn Taymiah, Fi al Nazarat syasia al Islamiah, pg 175 Said

“Appointing the Khalifah and obeying him, is an obligation upon the muslim ummah”

Imam Nauwi, Fi Shar Muslim, vol 12 pg 205 Said

“The scholars are agreed upon, that it is an obligation upon the muslims to appoint a khalifah”

Imam Ibn Taimiyah al-Siyasah at-Shar'iyah, Said,

“Sixty years of an unjust imam (oppressive khalifah) is better than one night without a sultan (Islamic authority)”

Imam ash-Shawkaani in "Tafseer al-Qur'an al-Atheem", volume 2, page 215:

"It is known from Islam by necessity (bi-dharoorah - i.e.: like prayer and fasting) that Islam has forbidden division amongst Muslims and the segregation of their land".

Abdul hamid bin Yahya bin Saied al-A’miri (132H) in his book ‘Advice to the Khalifah’

“The Khilafah is the crown of all obligations and it is the jewel”

Imam Ibn Taymiah, al-Siyasah al Shariyah, p 189 Said,

“Without the coercive power of the state,(khilafah) the deen is in danger: and without the discipline of the revealed law (shariah), the state becomes a tyrannical organization.”

Ibn Kathir Tafseer Al-Qur'an Al-Atheem: (2/67).

Says about those who leave the laws of Allah and judge according to other laws;

“whoever does this is a disbeliever and it is an obligation to fight him until he returns to the laws of Allah and
his prophet (SAW), it is irrelevant if that part of the shari'ah which he has left is large or small.”
Narrated by Muslim from hadith Umm Salamah.
“There will be upon you leaders who you will recognise and disapprove of; whoever rejects them is free, whoever hates them is safe as opposed to those who are pleased and obey them", they said,
"should we not fight them".  He (SAW) said, "No as long as they
Explanation of Sahih Muslim by Imam An-Nawawi (12/242 - 243).
 Imam An-Nawawi states in the explanation of the hadith 
“As for his words 'should we not fight them?’ he (SAW) replied, 'No as long as they pray . . .  ', this contains the aforementioned meaning that it is not permissible to revolt against the khalifa for his mere
Injustice or rebellion as long as he does not change anything from the principles of Islam.”

Note- Changing principles of Islam clearly denotes: A Ruler changing the ruling and laws from Islamic to kufr, since Islam itself cannot be changed and this is not the meaning meant in the expression.

Ibn Hisham reports that, the Messenger of Allah (saw) did not approach the tribes for the purpose of seeking Nussrah to establish the Islamic State until this ayah was revealed:

"And say, ‘My lord, lead me in with the truth and lead me out with the truth, and grant me the authority with power to support me." [EMQ - 17:80]

Ibn Khaldun (Classical Muslim Scholar of Sociology & Civilisation) said in his book ‘Muqadima’:

“Anyone who thinks he can Revive Islam by himself, is deluded”


These ahadith and many others like it conclusively show the obligation on all Muslims to establish the Khilafah and the absolute necessity to strive until this ultimate Tawheed becomes established on earth “la ilaha il Allah” (I.e. No idol worship, No obedience to a President/king, No blind following of Society, No blind following of scholars- NOTHING is worthy as one’s first reference point in life EXCEPT Allah (swt)).

How can we live by Islam in a society that is based upon something other than it? It is society that changes us- why should we endure a never-ending battle with it’s Fitna, when the solution is right around the corner like a hidden treasure; waiting for us to embrace it and benefit from its guidance.

If a man refused to perform the obligatory prayer, claiming “I am not ready to pray, I have weak Iman (belief), thus I shall wait until it improves then I shall pray”, one is likely to correct his view by telling him that Iman doesn’t improve until we fulfill the obligations of Allah (swt). The same can be said about the obligation of the Khilafah. This means that in order for us as Muslims (as a society) to implement Islam in every aspect of our lives, we must reject all human rulers and rules and in all matters, take as our lord and sovereign only Allah (swt).

Therefore, just as one does not need to be perfect in order to fulfill the obligation of Salaah, the Muslims do not need to be perfect in order to undertake the Khilafah -just so that they establish it and trust in Allah (swt) for victory and success. As with Salah, the Khilafah is not the end result in perfecting oneself- but it is the MEANS to perfection- in this case, perfection and purification of society.

When the Ummah lost the Khilafah, not only did we lose the only means available to us to protect ourselves from social corruptions and dangers, we also lost the most important heritage Our Prophet Muhammed (saw) left to the Ummah (after the Quran and Hadith) - His (saw) last wishes were commands to the Muslims to hear and obey their Islamic Rulers appointed over us to rule by the Quran and Sunnah (Refer to Umar’s report, Page: 4 bottom) so that we do not become divided and fall into ruin.

Now is not the time to fight with each other while Muslims are being oppressed, killed and tortured- now is not the time to segregate ourselves into imagined “sects” by slandering each other over differences of opinion (e.g. false allegations of rejecting Punishments of the Grave or other Belief issues- which in reality, no one rejects!). Now is the time for Unity and sincere efforts towards pleasing our Creator in all our actions and in creating a better future for the Muslim Ummah in this life and the next.

The obligation of Khilafah requires Muslims to help and support those who are organised in sincerely carrying out the political work necessary for this purpose, until the flag of the Prophet (saw) once again flutters in the wind above the heads of the Ummah inshallah, as the Prophet (saw) said:

“..Then there will be Khilafah on the method of Prophethood. The earth and the sky will bestow their treasures."

Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal

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